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    Entries in fleece blanket fleece blanket (1)


    Lego Faith

    Prayer blankets remind us that God is bigger than any problem we’re facing…

    …problems we thought would never happen to us.

    When we feel defeated, weakened, hurting, stripped of health, we soften towards God.

    …It seems to be our nature.

    Other people’s faith, those who pray and knot, bring their collective experiences of faith together into something touchable, increasing our own faith, …as Legos hooking together to form a myriad of structures, leveraging and bracing, building and expanding.

    These fleece blankets with their prayers knotted into the fringe, symbolically reach us, touching our hurt, covering our doubt, rescuing our hope.

    And when we lack faith ourselves, we wrap up in other people’s prayers, leaning on their faith, walking with them down the dark road,  their faith lighting our way.